Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fallow up

Have you ever felt bad when a change in weather occurs? Cattle feel the react the same way as humans would. You can get a runny nose and so can cattle.
In my last post I talked about pneumonia which is a respiratory infection, this post is more so a fallow up to it. There are many other respiratory infections other than pneumonia. Bovine Respiratory Disease [2], BRSV [3], and many more are infections in the respiratory system that are very contagious even can cause death! Once the animal has come down with a respiratory infection, it is the beginning of a very strenuous process of doctoring the animal. Keep an eye open for more that may come down with the same sickness. The medicines you will need to get the animal heeled up are not cheap! Prices for medicine rage any where from $50-$700 dollars a bottle. Expensive necessity! If you were thinking that, you would just let them either recover or die on their own think about this. If the cow that is sick is weighing in at about 950 lbs. and has a calf still on here she will more than likely bring any where from $800-$1250. If you let her die, you have lost a good amount and if you do not have, the meds to doctor the next you can loose a lot of money quick fast and in a hurry!

Most of the infections can be treated with Nuflour Gold. A bottle of Nuflour cost about $130. Not to bad when $130 is against a $1000 cow. Take you pick. The weather can be more than just cold, rainy, snowing, or just hot. Weather can be the worst nightmare for any farmer rancher or people who just do not like the cold. Keep your eye to the sky![5]
[4] Andy. “Guide to Make Money.” Photo: 7-24-09. 11-17-10. Retrieved from:
[6] Bradi.“The winter sun, just above the horizon creates a red sky.” Photo: 6-16-08 11-17-10 Retrieved from:

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