Poor wheat! Our wheat pasture has bare spots but it is not from cattle or not growing well. Dad went out to the wheat field the other day and counted 97 deer grazing our wheat field. That’s almost as many wheat pasture calves we own in all!
My dad informed himself on the deer issue in our county. From recent studies we have found out that the average weight of a doe has gone down from 120 pounds to 68 pounds. It is a dramatic decrease in weight is it not! The population is so high that there is not enough vegetation for all the deer to get enough groceries; therefore, the average weight for deer is on the decline. Every hunter is worried about getting the big buck, but then the small bucks breed their bad genetics into the deer population. I have been noticing that in the past few years I have been seeing less massive bucks and moor smaller framed bucks. I guess the positive side to the now smaller deer is that if you hit one in your vehicle the damage will be less. Hahaha!

Just this morning my brother was on his way to work and he waxed a deer hard core causing a lot of expensive damage!
So those who think deer have a right think about a car hitting a deer and it coming into the vehicle harming or even killing the passengers inside.
For the deer population to get back down to the correct number about 1900 deer need to be killed in the county. If you are wondering what will be done with the deer if the hunters do not want the meat; the meat will be gathered in certain towns. In each town there will be a refrigerated truck trailer waiting for the unwanted deer to be stored in. When the trailers are full a near buy prison will use the meat for the inmates so no deer is going to waste!
Well until next time good hunting!
1. South delta hunting club. “deer in the cross hairs.” Photo. southdeltahuntingclub.com2008.
2. My safety sign. “deer on the road.” Photo. mysafetysign.com 2010.